Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Meet Grant!

Grant Peterson Baxla was born December 12, 2006 just after 8 in the morning. He weighs 7lbs 5oz and is in perfect health.
He has lots of dark hair. This baby... said to look more like his mother than the last!
After 12 hours of labor he came out after an hour of pushing... and he came out with his eyes open!
Donnie and Theresa are doing well, and Theresa is hoping for a quick and painless recovery.
Grant's parents and relatives are proud to have him, especially his Aunt Tammy. After all... they do share the same birthday, 28 years apart!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations. We are now less than four weeks from our "event." -- DB

BCDB said...

I am SO proud of you and will be thrilled if my delivery goes as well as yours did. And yes, this kid looks so much more like you--everything is balanced now! Tammy must be over the moon--what a birthday present!

Anonymous said...

Grant is a beautiful baby! Congratulations on what sounds like a relatively uneventful labor. I'm looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Unknown said...

He's beautiful Theresa - good job! I can't wait to meet him! Leigh

P & K said...

Hi Baxla Family -

We are very happy for you and are glad everyone is doing well and healthy!

Ava, it's not so bad being a big sis. You'll get used to it!